The Janet Planet

hello! nice to see you! ^_^

if you hadn’t guessed, I’m Janet - this is a planet inhabited entirely by Janet(s), you see!

please note that there may be additional Janets hiding here somewhere. I’ve never seen them, but Janets are famously good at hiding!

proof: there’s a Janet hiding, somewhere on your planet, right now. no one has ever found her. if you want to try to find her, good luck! you’ll need it!

Fun Facts about this Janet in particular:

fact 1: I am a Janet.

fact 2: as a Janet, my lifespan is beyond mere mortal comprehension. even the very concept of a lifespan as it applies to me would make no sense to you. for simplicity, let’s say I am 20 “years” “old”.

fact 3: I like hugs. hugs are good. do you want some hugs? if not, the next thing I say in this fact doesn’t apply to you: *hugs*

fact 4: facts are fun! but I should probably stop giving facts now! sorry, but you know how it is - two may facts sproil the brooth!

fact 5: 5 is equal to ((), (()), ((), (())), ((), (()), ((), (()))), ((), (()), ((), (())), ((), (()), ((), (())))))*

fact 6: have some inexplicable toki pona! this is definitely how facts work.

toki! mi pona tan ni: mi sona e sina. o pona

*fact 5 is only kinda accurate, really - that mess of brackets is a representation of 5 through sets, but it's close enough to being true to be a fun fact :D
